Finding the Right Donors for Your Nonprofit

ellen bristol memoryfox webinar finding the right donors

This webinar took place on Wednesday, October 4th.

Are your donors “right” for you? The “right” donors are passionate about your cause, become deeply engaged in your mission, and stick around for years. If you don’t have a clear, concise, and documented Ideal Donor Profile, you might just wind up slogging through too many prospects who are just DOA – Dead on Arrival. Cut through the clutter with a Prospect Scorecard, a great way to document your Ideal Donor Profile – and help your fundraising team invest most of their time on the “right” donors.  Their capacity to give is important – but not as important as other factors!

About Our Guest: Ellen Bristol calls herself a performance-management geek and a data-analytics nerd. She is considered a thought leader in the nonprofit sector for her work on fundraising strategy and management. She launched Bristol Strategy in 1995, after a 20-year career selling zillion-dollar mainframe computers. Soon, she fell in love with the nonprofit sector and discovered her mission: repurposing the disciplines and methods of high-performing corporate sales teams to fit the charitable heart and philanthropic soul of the social sector. Ellen is best known for her research on fundraising-team productivity with the Leaky Bucket Assessments, and her methodology Fundraising the SMART Way™. In 2023, Bristol launched a new brand, Bristol Analytics, offering dashboard solutions for fundraising assessment and management.