Professional Services

We know you enjoy how MemoryFox streamlines your storytelling process, but want to save even more time? We’ve got you covered. Our Customer Success team are all seasoned nonprofit professionals who are happy to elevate the value of your stories though services like:

  • Kick-off strategy session
  • Prepare annual campaign calendar
  • Campaign creation & management
  • Quarterly strategy meetings

Post Production Support

You want to turn your best impact stories into compelling reports & social media designs, but you are juggling too many other deadlines? Say no more. With your guidance, our team will take point on those post production tasks so you can focus on the big picture. Services include:

  • Access to Canva training & templates
  • Canva project design support
  • MemoryFox Story Builder design support
  • MemoryFox Video Project design support
additional services multiple branding themes custom branding memoryfox

Multiple Branding Themes

Does your special event or program have unique branding? Consider adding our branding package to your account so your storytellers can easily associate campaigns with themes recognizable to them. Our friends at Ele’s Place, who use custom branding to collect stories during their Derby Day Soiree, have found it makes a huge difference. Custom branding includes:

  • Event & program specific logos
  • Branded button & background color
  • Custom “thank you” message
  • Unique, campaign-appropriate redirect link

Tailored Training Workshops

We’ve partnered with world-class experts to help make sure our community–yes, YOU–have all the support you need to amplify your voice and make an even bigger difference. If you want to pair your MemoryFox subscription with tailored professional development opportunities, here are a few topics we cover:

  • Ethical Storytelling
  • Fundraising & Donor Stewardship
  • Volunteer Engagement & Recruitment
  • More! Let us know what you’re looking to learn – Chances are we have the perfect expert for your needs.

Book a Time to Explore Your Options Today: