Success Stories

Bringing One Year Of Impact To Life, Visually & Efficiently

The Humanitarian Way is an extraordinary nonprofit that has found an innovative solution to preventing homelessness in Springfield, Missouri. Through their strength-based housing methodology, their vision is to foster shelter diversion for individuals and families experiencing housing insecurities in their community of almost 170,000 residents.

Just one year after its founding in April 2023, The Humanitarian Way has made a monumental impact - helping 215+ individuals (and counting!) They understood that communicating their mission, vision and influence was essential to continued growth. But they didn’t have an efficient way to capture video testimonials from their beneficiaries, compile them, and share them far and wide. And, perhaps even more importantly, the team simply did not have the bandwidth to execute telling great stories without some assistance. That’s where MemoryFox, and our Professional Services package, came in.

How did they do it? The Collect, Organize & Share Method:

1. Collecting The Right Stories

Using MemoryFox's Professional Services package, The Humanitarian Way collaborated with our team to craft a campaign with three targeted, thoughtful prompts (Calls-To-Action) that promised to spark great stories, including: “Tell us about the first time you worked with The Humanitarian Way. How did it make you feel?”. Their team distributed the campaign via email and text message to the individuals with whom they worked in their first year of service.

the humanitarian way memoryfox success story organize

2. Organizing by Call-To-Action

Stories quickly began populating into The Humanitarian Way’s Story Bank. Using MemoryFox’s organizational tools, the stories were easily sortable by Call-To-Action, making it simple to identify the content of each video submission, and subsequently where it would fit into the final video piece.

the humanitarian way memoryfox success story share

3. Sharing One Compelling Video Project

MemoryFox’s Customer Success team built a video project, weaving together the organization’s client video testimonies along with impact statistics. The Humanitarian Way’s President, Dr. Sean Herring, also serves on the faculty at Missouri State University, where he teaches technical and professional writing courses. As such, Dr. Herring has had the opportunity to present the video on several occasions, to the delight of Missouri State University officials, students, city council leaders and community members. In addition to teaching the principles of volunteerism, grant writing and media goals, the video had a tremendous impact with increasing their volunteers and donors.

the humanitarian way memoryfox success story

"MemoryFox worked a miracle for us when everything came together with the video testimonials from our clients. We accomplished our goal and it could not have been done without YOU!"

Dr. Sean Herring
