Leading with Purpose: How to Use Storytelling to Engage your Board

Board engagement is not easy. Let’s face it – You have so much on your plate, that prioritizing board engagement can feel out-of-reach. That’s why we brought in the nonprofit leadership expert (unofficially known as the “board of directors whisperer”) Sabrina Walker Hernandez to share her insights with you!
This is a recording of a webinar that took place on April 4th at 12 pm EDT / 9 am PDT. MemoryFox Partner and CEO of Supporting World Hope, Sabrina Walker Hernandez, is ready to inspire & empower you to take your board engagement to the next level.
In this recording, you will learn:
- How to design & deliver powerful, meaningful experiences that align with your organization’s mission and values.
- Practical techniques for creating impactful moments that inspire & motivate your board of directors.
- How to develop your own “Mission Moment Plan”.
- Tools you need to create powerful experiences for your board members that drive fundraising results, build lasting relationships, and increase board engagement.
Don’t stop there! Check out: