Success Stories

Retirement Well Wishes: Celebrating 30 Years of Dedication
After 30 years of dedication to Manchester University, President Dave McFadden announced his plans to retire in June of 2023. During his time at the helm, President McFadden racked up a long list of accomplishments, including starting the “Fast Forward” program and establishing new health science programs. While President McFadden’s accomplishments are tremendous, perhaps his greatest claim-to-fame is the strong connection he built with the students. As such, Manchester University sought a unique way to collect and share numerous retirement well wishes from all across campus with the President they affectionately referred to as “Pres Dave”. That’s where MemoryFox came in.
videos from faculty & students
cohesive Story Page of well wishes

How did they do it? The Collect, Organize & Share Method:

"MemoryFox has made it so easy to collect and organize videos, including from some members of our community with whom we wouldn’t have otherwise been able to reach and engage for our marketing and communications efforts!"
Dan Chudzynski
Creative Director