Success Stories

Boosting Impact with Stories from Every Department
SLO Food Bank believes everyone has the right to nutritious food. They know that with reliable access to wholesome food, we are all healthier, happier and more productive members of our communities. Their mission is to work with community partners to alleviate hunger in San Luis Obispo County, California, in order to build a stronger overall community.
3.2 mil+
provided annually
making a difference

How’d They Do it? The Collect, Organize, and Share Method
SLO Food Bank is masterful at collecting content due to the fact that they use several touchpoints to advertise their campaigns. Because they simultaneously collect stories from multiple departments, the organization tools offered by MemoryFox are absolutely essential to quickly sort and analyze content. When sorted, the SLO Food Bank team shares their stories both internally and externally to make informed decisions, perform their mission, and raise more funds!

"MemoryFox software has enabled SLO Food Bank to easily collect valuable feedback and positive experiences of our volunteers during our Volunteer Appreciation Event and throughout the year. The user-friendly platform has greatly enhanced our ability to recognize and respond to the needs and interests of our dedicated volunteers and celebrate their incredible impact."
Carly Johnson
Volunteer & Administration Coordinator