How it Works

We partner with federated nonprofits to provide equitable access to our storytelling resources, so that the nonprofits in their network can more effectively collect, organize, and share community-generated content. This program empowers nonprofits to:

  • Demonstrate their impact and efficacy
  • Highlight their D, E, & I efforts
  • Engage with their constituencies
  • and so much more

Affiliate Benefits

We build the program alongside the national organization to meet the unique needs of their nonprofit community. Our programs generally include:

  • 12 Month MemoryFox Subscription
  • Access to Dedicated CE and CS Team
  • Access to all MemoryFox Resources
  • Storytelling Workshop with one of our Partners

HQ Benefits

In addition to fostering a culture of innovation and contributing to a more resilient nonprofit community, the national organization also receives:

  • 12 Month MemoryFox Subscription
  • Usage and Impact Reports
  • Realtime Visibility into Affiliate Stories
  • Thought Leadership Opportunities